Purchasing a home is a big decision to make.

Buying a home is one of the most popular financial goals but before taking a big leap to achieve that goal, it is important to take a few steps back and look at the bigger picture first before engaging into it.

If you do your research and use the right resources, you can go into it fully prepared. Preparation will greatly reduce your stress level through the process.

Here are the few things to remember to prepare yourself on getting a new home purchase:

1. Figure out how much you can afford

When purchasing a house keep in mind that you must be financially ready. Take a look at your current savings and spendings. You need to see how much you can afford to pay each month and don’t forget to leave some room for the potential “hidden expenses” of homeownership like utility bills, homeowners association fees, repairs, and maintenance.

Consult today with our Golden Eagle Mortgage Team!  We are committed to helping families and individuals achieve the dream of homeownership.

2. Determine your finances in the mortgage process

To proceed in purchasing your home, consider these two aspects: Good credit score and cash for down payments.

Get your credit ready

Home purchase requires a good credit score. A first-time homebuyer will need a decent credit score. Provide some financial information to your mortgage bankers, such as your income and the amount of savings and investments you have. Your lender will review this information and tell you how much we they lend you.

Save cash for down payment costs

Saving money for a down payment has lots of benefits in purchasing a house. Higher amount down payment means a reduction in interest charges and avoidance of other fees with a higher up-front payment. You might qualify for additional loans in the future as well because of this.

new home purchase

3.  Shop around mortgage

Shopping around for a home mortgage will help you get the best financing deal. You might want to compare all the costs involved in obtaining a mortgage that helps you save thousands of dollars. A Mortgage pre-approval is a free and non-binding process that presents you as a serious, qualified buyer when buying your first home.

Check out our mortgage pre-approval to earn bigger savings today!

Buying your first home is exciting, but there’s a lot to think about before you start looking. Start by getting all your finances in order, and using online tools to compare mortgage rates, and manage your credit score.

For more information, or to schedule a consultation with us, click here.